My white supremacy is a virus

Sophie Dalton
2 min readOct 14, 2020

To myself and my fellow white people, it’s okay to not know what to say

It’s okay to say something and later change your mind,

It’s okay to realize you have been in the wrong because you didn’t know better before.

What’s NOT okay is hiding from our opportunities to do better.

I know you’re afraid of saying the wrong thing bc I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing.

But people are dying because we have been complacent.

Let me speak for myself: People are dying because *I* have been complacent.

This is scary: My ego REALLY doesn’t want anyone to think I’m a bad person- that goes against a lifetime of conditioning to be the “good girl” at all costs.

But I MUST open my myself up to seeing how I am participating in this virus of racism.

By NOT examining the implicit biases still operating within me (think of them like faulty computer programming), not only do I comply to a system of violence & oppression, but I separate myself off from the divinity that IS in the people being oppressed,

The people that have been separated from me through systemic racism, privilege, and my own choices.

So you see, I am EAGER to acknowledge & take ownership over the ways I have benefited from & participated in racism,

I am EAGER to see how I have wronged,

NOT because I feel shame,

(We are always doing the best we can with the tools we have in the moment)

But because I selfishly & selflessly want to get that shit out of me ASAP.

Ignoring our participation prolongs violence & suffering for all- you included.

Liberate yourself from the beliefs and tendencies separating you from others, and not only will you remember your own humanity,

But you just might save a life.



Sophie Dalton

Life Coach & Personal Branding Strategist for Women Entrepreneurs