The One Free Easy Hack To Create Powerful Content

Sophie Dalton
4 min readFeb 17, 2020

Leverage this one simple tool to speak to the hearts and minds of your ideal audience.

If you feel like you don’t have anything specific to say, yet you also see yourself one day being an industry leader, start with this one “hack” to help you bust open your content brainstorm.

If you’re anything like the typical client I work with, you’ve spent countless hours staring at a blinking cursor, trying to write some content and wondering what in the world you’re going to talk about.

Maybe you’ve opened up a post to “Go Live” on Facebook, watched your finger hover over the big blue button to start, only to see yourself close out of the account and tell yourself that you’ll “do it tomorrow.”

“Do it tomorrow” my ass! If you have this level of mental and emotional constipation around publishing and showing up on social media, the problem isn’t you, the problem is how you’ve been taught to think about content and how you need to show up!

There’s a lot of advice out there around how to structure your content- What to say and how to say it in the best way to capture your ideal people’s attention. But here’s the problem: If you’re overthinking your content strategy, you’re going to block yourself from ever saying anything important.

So, what’s the ONE hack to cut through the B.S. and CONSISTENTLY publish IMPORTANT content without taking energy away from your day-to-day activities?

Leverage your emotion.

Huh? What does my emotion have to do with my content strategy to become an industry leader in my niche?

Here’s the deal, Sally. The more true, raw, and real your content is, the easier and faster people will be able to trust you and fall in love with you and what you have to offer.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”- Simon Sinek

“Average writers write to discover other people, great writers write to discover themselves.”- Gloria Steinem.

When you write through the lens of your own human experience, not only does it become easier to produce content, but you open yourself up to touch greatness.

Okay, great Sophie, but I don’t want to write the next great American novel, I just want to sell my DIY birdfeeder kits!

I hear you, and this applies to you too.

No matter what you’re trying to sell, when you make an emotional connection with your audience, they are approximately 10 billion times more likely to buy from you (real science, real numbers).

For example, I have a cousin who started a pool accessory ecommerce business 8 years ago that is now a multi-million dollar a year company. When I asked him what it was that finally allowed his company to explode, he said: “Helpful content marketing where we truly tried to make them feel seen and heard and improve their family experience by the pool.”

#mindblown. If this works for POOL ACCESSORIES, then this will work for you.

So, now that you’re satisfactorily convinced that emotion is the key to turning blah content into effective content, you might be wondering HOW in the world to put emotion into your content.

According to Wikipedia, the most basic list of emotions starts with: Fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, surprise, trust, anticipation.

Before I lead you your secret weapon of the ONE hack that will enable you to create content from here until kingdom come, you need to be clear on how you want your audience to FEEL when they think of you.

Do you want them to feel inspired, motivated, resilient, smart, special, the list goes on. Once you know you how you want them to feel, you can be intentional with the use of the tool I’m about to give you. This means that NO MATTER what emotion you start with, you always want to end on a forward-looking (preferably positive) note that is aligned with the emotional impact that you want your brand to have on the hearts and minds of your ideal audience.

It’s important that they associate you with POSITIVE change in their lives, otherwise they will never be returning customers.

OKAY. Now that all of that has been said, here’s the tool:

I want you to make a list of everything about your industry that pisses you off.

What commonly goes wrong? What do people misunderstand? What do you wish you had known in the beginning that you know now? Where are people being taken advantage of? Where are they unnecessarily in pain? What do you think some of the industry leaders in your niche have wrong about what they teach?

Basically, what wrongs get you fired up in your industry?

Now, if you’re working in an arena that you’re even remotely passionate about, you should be able to conjure up a certain level of emotion. If it feels impossible to do, you are probably in the wrong niche and should definitely reach out to me personally to discuss why that is and what you can do about it.

This is the hack: Access the “negative” emotion, speak to what fires you up, and then end your rant with the inspiring/ positive/ helpful solution that you’ve dreamed up in response to this oh-so-annoying problem.

Your people will respect you for being a truth-speaker, thank you for shielding them from unnecessary pain, and be grateful to buy your solution.

When you access this emotion, you’re tapping into your “Why” and creating powerful content without getting stuck in the never-ending trap of overthinking.

If you’re unsure on how to do this, or how to do this responsibly, then don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact me directly on Facebook at Sophie Dalton, or Instagram at @thesophiedalton- I’d be happy to listen to how you’re working through this, or we can hop on a call and I’ll listen.

Sending you love and a reminder that no matter how stuck or uninspired you might be feeling in your content, you DO have a story to tell, and people WILL want to hear you.



Sophie Dalton

Life Coach & Personal Branding Strategist for Women Entrepreneurs