Where you got disconnected from your intuition and how to get it back

Sophie Dalton
4 min readMay 19, 2019

When your life feels like it wasn’t meant for you and you don’t know how to feel like yourself again…

Or even if you just want to feel more in-tune with your inner wisdom, keep reading.

Can you remember the first time that you got in trouble for being yourself?

Though it certainly wasn’t the first time, I have a very strong memory of my friends yelling at me in fourth grade for being too silly. “No one’s going to respect you in middle school if you don’t start taking yourself seriously, Sophie.”

Dang… overreaction much?

A more extreme example would be the first time you were sexualized as a little girl and learned that living in a female body was something you needed to learn to carefully navigate.

We don’t just get conditioned into who we shouldn’t be (radically free, funny, loud, sexy), but also into who we should be: We get rewarded for being a good girl, a pretty girl, a good helper, a hard worker, a high achiever, a straight-A student, the list goes on.

Schools, jobs, media, government is literally all constructed to guide us towards what is convenient for everyone else.

And because we are interdependent mammals who are wired to prioritize community over all else (or else we’re sure to be kicked out of the tribe and die a slow death alone in the elements), it’s all too easy to react first to what’s expected of us, not what’s best for us.

While this often leads to apparent success and social acceptance, it can result in the death of the soul life and loss of connection to intuition- aka the voice that knows, the universe, God, Goddess, or whatever other words suit your fancy.

If you think of every time you’ve ever corrected yourself, your life, or your personality to be more acceptable to the group, that’s how many times your soul has been snubbed.

But don’t despair! It’s not your fault and there’s a simple way back to rebuilding your connection with your soul life. Just like a forgotten child, your soul wants to be by your side, she wants to be heard for her ideas, you just need to let her know that she’s welcome.

The first step is to bravely get very honest about everything in your life- people, activities, job commitments, family members, foods and health routines- that don’t bring you joy, make you feel numb, upset you, cause frustration, or make you feel like you’re battling uphill.

These are the things that are not meant for you. Your body and your emotions are a built-in locating device doing their best to pull you towards what’s meant for you.

When you’re naturally curious, inspired, excited, in awe, playful, joyful, healthy, these are the reactions that your body and your soul are using to tell you “yes, yes, more of this!”

But if you have no idea what I’m talking about, then follow the steps below to start the process of coming home to yourself.

No matter where you are on your journey to living as fully yourself, these are the steps to enhance and reconnect to your intuition so that you can slice through indecision, feel guided by life, live each day better than the last, and know that you’re well on your way to creating a life in which success, health, and love come easily to you.

  1. Start by getting ruthlessly honest about the things, people, places in your life that no longer inspire you. When I started this journey, this list was nearly everything: My living conditions, my love life, my social life, my job. It can be terrifying to realize, but just know that you are anointing yourself as one of the brave ones who are doing the work to become a woman in total control of herself, aka a Soulfull Warrior.
  2. Get bold in claiming your ULTIMATE dreams. Though I’m sure you’ve already accomplished incredible things in your life, it’s necessary that you become excruciatingly clear on your ideal situation in ALL the circumstances of your life: What are the DETAILS of how you want things to look and feel in your health, wealth, relationships. What would be the ultimate ideal for you? Naming them is the first step to enabling them to happen, so go do it! Stretch your dreams and CLEARLY put them down on paper!
  3. Identify what has brought you joy, and systematically restructure your life around that. Now that you’ve clearly identified your health, wealth, and relationship goals- how can you make a plan around achieving them that focuses solely or mostly on using the tools that bring you joy.

The forth and bonus step is obviously to work with someone who can support you in the radical reclaiming of who you’re meant to be- Someone who’s gone through the process before and has dedicated her life to enabling other women to do the same.

Let me know if this is for you. I want to see you living your ideal life on your own damn terms, because the world needs more women living in complete connection with their souls. We need more Soulfull Warriors.

Contact Sophie at sophie@soulfullexcellence.com



Sophie Dalton

Life Coach & Personal Branding Strategist for Women Entrepreneurs